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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "portaudio.h" /* #define SAMPLE_RATE (17932) // Test failure to open with this value. */ #define SAMPLE_RATE (44100) //采样率,每秒采样的次数,采样一次的数据称为一帧 #define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER (1024)//每次阻塞读写需要缓冲的帧数 #define NUM_CHANNELS (2) //单声道or双声道 #define NUM_SECONDS (15) // /* #define DITHER_FLAG (paDitherOff) */ #define DITHER_FLAG (0) /**/ /* @todo Underflow and overflow is disabled until we fix priming of blocking write. */ #define CHECK_OVERFLOW (0) #define CHECK_UNDERFLOW (0) /* Select sample format. *///采样值量化格式即数模转换,paFloat32, paInt32, paInt24, paInt16, paInt8 ... #if 0 #define PA_SAMPLE_TYPE paFloat32 #define SAMPLE_SIZE (4) #define SAMPLE_SILENCE (0.0f) #define CLEAR(a) memset( (a), 0, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * NUM_CHANNELS * SAMPLE_SIZE ) #define PRINTF_S_FORMAT "%.8f" #elif 0 #define PA_SAMPLE_TYPE paInt16 #define SAMPLE_SIZE (2) #define SAMPLE_SILENCE (0) #define CLEAR(a) memset( (a), 0, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * NUM_CHANNELS * SAMPLE_SIZE ) #define PRINTF_S_FORMAT "%d" #elif 1 #define PA_SAMPLE_TYPE paInt24 #define SAMPLE_SIZE (3) #define SAMPLE_SILENCE (0) #define CLEAR(a) memset( (a), 0, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * NUM_CHANNELS * SAMPLE_SIZE ) #define PRINTF_S_FORMAT "%d" #elif 0 #define PA_SAMPLE_TYPE paInt8 #define SAMPLE_SIZE (1) #define SAMPLE_SILENCE (0) #define CLEAR(a) memset( (a), 0, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * NUM_CHANNELS * SAMPLE_SIZE ) #define PRINTF_S_FORMAT "%d" #else #define PA_SAMPLE_TYPE paUInt8 #define SAMPLE_SIZE (1) #define SAMPLE_SILENCE (128) #define CLEAR( a ) { \ int i; \ for( i=0; i<FRAMES_PER_BUFFER*NUM_CHANNELS; i++ ) \ ((unsigned char *)a)[i] = (SAMPLE_SILENCE); \ } #define PRINTF_S_FORMAT "%d" #endif /*******************************************************************/ int main(void); int main(void) { PaStreamParameters inputParameters, outputParameters; PaStream *stream = NULL; PaError err; char *sampleBlock; int i; int numBytes; printf("patest_read_write_wire.c\n"); fflush(stdout); //每次阻塞读写缓冲区所占字节数=缓冲的帧数*声道数*量化大小 numBytes = FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * NUM_CHANNELS * SAMPLE_SIZE ; sampleBlock = (char *) malloc( numBytes ); //开辟缓冲区 if( sampleBlock == NULL ) { printf("Could not allocate record array.\n"); exit(1); } CLEAR( sampleBlock ); //清除缓冲区 err = Pa_Initialize(); if( err != paNoError ) goto error; inputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(); /* default input device */ printf( "Input device # %d.\n", inputParameters.device ); printf( "Input LL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inputParameters.device )->defaultLowInputLatency ); printf( "Input HL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inputParameters.device )->defaultHighInputLatency ); inputParameters.channelCount = NUM_CHANNELS; inputParameters.sampleFormat = PA_SAMPLE_TYPE; inputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inputParameters.device )->defaultHighInputLatency; inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; outputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); /* default output device */ printf( "Output device # %d.\n", outputParameters.device ); printf( "Output LL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outputParameters.device )->defaultLowOutputLatency ); printf( "Output HL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outputParameters.device )->defaultHighOutputLatency ); outputParameters.channelCount = NUM_CHANNELS; outputParameters.sampleFormat = PA_SAMPLE_TYPE; outputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outputParameters.device)->defaultHighOutputLatency; outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; /* -- setup -- */ err = Pa_OpenStream( //打开流 &stream, &inputParameters, //如果不需要输入流,则为NULL &outputParameters, SAMPLE_RATE, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, paClipOff, /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */ NULL, /* no callback, use blocking API */ NULL ); /* no callback, so no callback userData */ if( err != paNoError ) goto error; err = Pa_StartStream( stream );//启动流,并不是通常意义的开始播放,需要write才能播放 if( err != paNoError ) goto error; printf("Wire on. Will run %d seconds.\n", NUM_SECONDS); fflush(stdout); //(NUM_SECONDS*SAMPLE_RATE)/FRAMES_PER_BUFFER即总帧数/每次缓冲的帧数 //也就是需要缓冲的次数 for( i=0; i<(NUM_SECONDS*SAMPLE_RATE)/FRAMES_PER_BUFFER; ++i ) { //阻塞写入FRAMES_PER_BUFFER帧,注意要与sampleBlock大小匹配 err = Pa_WriteStream( stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER ); if( err && CHECK_UNDERFLOW ) goto xrun; err = Pa_ReadStream( stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER ); if( err && CHECK_OVERFLOW ) goto xrun; } err = Pa_StopStream( stream );//停止流 if( err != paNoError ) goto error; //清除缓冲区 CLEAR( sampleBlock ); /* err = Pa_StartStream( stream ); if( err != paNoError ) goto error; printf("Wire on. Interrupt to stop.\n"); fflush(stdout); while( 1 ) { err = Pa_WriteStream( stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER ); if( err ) goto xrun; err = Pa_ReadStream( stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER ); if( err ) goto xrun; } err = Pa_StopStream( stream ); if( err != paNoError ) goto error; Pa_CloseStream( stream ); */ free( sampleBlock );//释放缓冲区 //释放流 Pa_Terminate(); return 0;//正确返回 xrun: if( stream ) { Pa_AbortStream( stream ); Pa_CloseStream( stream ); } free( sampleBlock ); Pa_Terminate(); if( err & paInputOverflow ) fprintf( stderr, "Input Overflow.\n" ); if( err & paOutputUnderflow ) fprintf( stderr, "Output Underflow.\n" ); return -2; error: if( stream ) { Pa_AbortStream( stream ); Pa_CloseStream( stream ); } free( sampleBlock ); Pa_Terminate(); fprintf( stderr, "An error occured while using the portaudio stream\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err ); fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) ); return -1; }